Saturday, November 27, 2010

Smart Short Sales--Introduction to Social Media

Thank you to the Distressed Property Institute, Austin, Texas ( Alex Charfen ) and to InMotions, Real Estate Institute, Atlanta, Georgia
( Juanita McDowell ). The combined educational exposure from your two companies has prepared me to go forward in 2011 and beyond to help others resolve their finacial mortgage issues one home, one homeowner and one distressed situation at a time.

All indicators tell us, this distressed real estate down turn will last another 3-4 years, however the information and guidance from these two companies will last a life time. My recommendation to all Real Estate Professionals is to take the courses offered by these two companies to prepare yourself for the future.

As a CDPE Advanced (Ceterfied Distressed Property Expert)I am prepared to assist individual homeowners find a "Dignified Solution" to a distressed property situation. As a CIAS (Certified Investor Agent Specialist) I will assist Investors in the purchase of properties that cash flow.

The Distressed Property Institiue, provides the bricks and mortar to to become a CDPE and a CIAS. Plus, as if not more important, the "WHY". Additionally, we are given the "Tools" and the "Vehicles" to achieve success.

InMotion Real Estate Instiute, provides us the keys and the fuel for the "Tools" and the "Vehicles". Social Media is the key and Twitter, Trulia, Face Book and Blogs, etc. are the fule for the future. For us more "mature students" who need the "Basic" Keys and Fuel (plus the map with the directions) Juanita McDowell is the link.

After suffering through and experiencing the real estate down turn of 2005-2009 and the finacial loss associated with the down turn I had a good 2010. The success of 2010 is directly related to being exposed to the Distressed Property Institute and becoming a CDPE Advanced. I am very optomistic about 2011 and beyond. With the tools, vehicles, keys and fuel; along with the road map, I am now prepared for the future and have once again restored my own personal dignity.

This is my 1st attemp with a Blog, please forgive the run on sentances, the spelling errors, and mistakes in grammar. Much success to each and everyone for the holiday season, 2011 and beyond.


Rob Sales
CDPE Advanced / CIAS

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